Today we are going to talk about YOUR HEALTH (yeah yeah Ediary I'm healthy) Well there's always something new to learn daily no matter how little the details might entail.
On Health gist today, it's the Quail - a collective name for mid-sized birds generally considered in the order 'Galliformes' (Google is your friend).
Well it's not really about the quail, but about it's eggs...for a fact the quail bird is also used for food supplement.
Here are some benefits of the quail eggs, according to a wide research:
The quail eggs:
-Help improve memory and high IQ for Kids (even adults too now)
-Help in treatment of tuberculosis,Bronchial-asthma and diabetes
-Have strong anticancer effect and may help inhibit cancerous growth
-Help eliminate and remove stone from Liver, Kidney and gallbladder (WOW)
-May accelerate recovery after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle (Sexiness!)
-Are a powerful stimulant of sexual potency in Men. (*winks*)
-Strengthen the immune system, slow down aging of organs and increase the span.
Now this egg is a dietary and healing food, they do not have "bad" cholesterol. (Unlike chicken eggs! WOW)
Unlike chicken eggs, their nutritional values is 3-4 times higher than chicken eggs (So wouldn't you rather eat more often this type of egg?)
Well here's a gift from us to you - Would you like to enjoy such nutritious goodness?? Well it's a confirmed and secured contact: Call 08060051947, 08051581655
Or via email : ihbfirm@gmail.com
Stay healthy! Stay safe.
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