On Health gist today, it's the Quail - a collective name for mid-sized birds generally considered in the order 'Galliformes' (Google is your friend).
Well it's not really about the quail, but about it's eggs...for a fact the quail bird is also used for food supplement.
Here are some benefits of the quail eggs, according to a wide research:
The quail eggs:
-Help improve memory and high IQ for Kids (even adults too now)
-Help in treatment of tuberculosis,Bronchial-asthma and diabetes
-Have strong anticancer effect and may help inhibit cancerous growth
-Help eliminate and remove stone from Liver, Kidney and gallbladder (WOW)
-May accelerate recovery after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle (Sexiness!)
-Are a powerful stimulant of sexual potency in Men. (*winks*)
-Strengthen the immune system, slow down aging of organs and increase the span.
Now this egg is a dietary and healing food, they do not have "bad" cholesterol. (Unlike chicken eggs! WOW)
Unlike chicken eggs, their nutritional values is 3-4 times higher than chicken eggs (So wouldn't you rather eat more often this type of egg?)
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Stay healthy! Stay safe.
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